The Internasional Project Management Seminar 2017 with topic :
Linking the Organization Strategy into Portfolio, Program and Project with their Best Practices, was held in Bali on 22 May 2017.
This seminar foccused on projects, programs and portfolios (3P) and their implementation and best practises. Although the 3P execution efficiency and effectiveness is critical to their success, the way the 3Ps are related to its context e.g. strategy implementation that is crucial for the long term success of an organization.
The Prominent Speakers are : Reinhard Wagner- The President of IPMA Linking portfolios, programs and projects to the strategy – best practice approaches of IPMA and ISO
Hari G Soeparto – The Chairman of IAMPI The importance of Project, Program and Portfolio Management
I Gusti Putu Suryawirawan – Direktur Jenderal Industri Logam, Mesin, Alat Transportasi, dan Elektronika Victor Edward – Project Development & Advisory-1 Division Head at PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)
Martin Sedlmayer – Vice President IPMA Programme management in its context Best practice: Consolidation in the Air Navigation Svc Industry Switzerland
Ivars Rungis – Vice President IPMA Project Management link to Corporate Strategy Best Practice: Chief Project Officer (CPO) Role
MODERATOR – Rahayu S Arifin Phd, IAMPI Board of Director